Online Resources

Here are some useful online resources for information at Princeton

The Student Guide to Princeton is updated yearly. Fairly comprehensive links to student groups etc.; a little bit fawning at times but some solid information.

The Insider's Guide to Princeton is a USG guide created for the Class of 2014. Lots of things you wish you'd known sooner, and 20,000x better design values than Princeton Panda.

OIT'S Knowledge Base can solve 90% of computer problems without dragging your laptop over to their office. It's well organised, easily searchable, and has step-by-step solutions to most problems. If you're comfortable enough to, say, set up your own e-mail accounts then you should be able to follow their instructions without worries.

AllPrinceton is a community news website for Town and Gown. Registered users can post their own events, classifieds, and directory entries. More trusted users can post their own blog entries.