Campus Resources

The Writing Center

The Writing Center, based in Whitman, is a really useful place to get used to. The fellows are really well trained, and tend to be great at helping you think through and clarify what you want to say. Also, importantly, the fact of signing up for an appointment is a great way to make sure you start working on a project early enough and to give you stepping-stone deadlines before the final work is due. You can make an appointment, right now. Highly recommended.

You can also go to drop-in hours, Sun-Thurs, 7-10. They're first-come first-serve, so get there ten minutes early for your choice of slot—sign up on the clipboard on the pillar.

The New Media Center

The New Media Center, in Lewis Library, offers an array of media-related help; they'll happily help you design a poster, edit a video or make a website (e.g., this one). Opening hours are M, W, TH, F 1 - 7 p.m; Tuesday 1 - 9 p.m.; and Sat/Sun 1 - 5 p.m.

McGraw Study Hall

McGraw Study Hall located on the third floor of the Frist Center offers tutoring in introductory-level mathematics, chemistry, physics, economics, politics, and operations research and financial engineering. The Study Hall allows students to collaborate with fellow students and to get help from trained and experienced undergraduate tutors.

The Study Hall is open Sun-Wed, 7:30 - 10:30. No need to make appointments.

Humanities Resource Center

Humanities Resource Center in the basement of East Pyne has most of the movies in the library catalog, including Motorcycle Diaries (personal favorite- point is they're not all really academic).